How to Build a Birdhouse in 8 Easy Steps

Are you looking for a fun, easy and inexpensive project for your family? Then why not try building a beautiful birdhouse for your backyard? Building a birdhouse is a wonderful way to get the whole family involved in a creative project and can be a great learning experience for both adults and children.
In this post, we’ll walk you through the all materials and tools you’ll need, as well as the eight-step process you should follow to build the actual birdhouse. We’ll also provide you with some handy tips on how to make your birdhouse more attractive to the neighborhood birds.
Step I: Gather the Necessary Supplies
Select a Birdhouse Plan
Before you learn how to build a birdhouse, you should select a plan that comes with a blueprint and measurements. Plans can easily be found online.
Purchase Wood, Shingles, Nails, and Glue
After deciding on a plan, you’ll need to purchase the necessary materials for building the birdhouse (for example: wood, glue, paint, and brushes). Make sure to buy enough for all pieces according to the plan’s instructions.
If you’re overwhelmed by this, you do have the option of purchasing a preassembled birdhouse kit instead. If you do buy one, you can go ahead and skip to step four.
Step II: Cut and Measure
Cut the Wood to Size
Using the measurements from the plan, cut all pieces of wood to their exact size. This is important for accuracy when you later assemble the birdhouse. If needed, use a saw for larger pieces of wood or a handsaw or coping saw for smaller pieces.
Measure parts for accuracy
Measure each piece of cut wood to make sure it meets the specifications of the plan. This ensures that all parts of the birdhouse will fit together accurately when assembled later on.
Step III: Prepare the Wood
Sand Down the Wood
Sand down each piece of the cut wood to remove any rough edges or splinters. This will make assembling easier later on and give your birdhouse an aesthetically pleasing finish after it is completed.
Weatherproof the Wood With a Seal
Apply a waterproof sealant or varnish to all wooden pieces before beginning assembly in order to protect them from rain and other outdoor elements.
Step IV: Assemble the Pieces of the Birdhouse
Attach the Sides of the Birdhouse
Begin assembly by attaching the two side pieces of wood together using wood glue. Secure these sides together first in order to create a sturdier base for your birdhouse when complete.
Secure the Base and Roof of the Birdhouse
Following this step, attach either one or two pieces of wood (depending on your plan) across the top and bottom of your sides and secure them together firmly with the glue again before adding additional parts to your birdhouse.
Connect the Roof With the Sides
Next, attach each side panel (that you have already secured together) to either one or two more pieces of wood running horizontally (depending again on your plan). Make sure these pieces are secure before moving on to painting and decorating in Step V.
It may also be helpful to use some wood clamps during these steps to really make sure the glue holds the birdhouse together.
Step V: Paint and Decorate
Paint the Birdhouse With Desired Colors
After assembly is complete, it’s time to paint! Use exterior paint that is suitable for outdoor use so you can protect your newly created masterpiece from rain and weather conditions outdoors. You can choose any colors you’d like to help your birdhouse to stand out in your garden.
Step VI: Add the Roof
Secure the Roof of the Birdhouse
Finally, attach the designated roof piece across the top of your sides from Step IV in order to create an enclosed house for your soon-to-be masterpiece.
Cover the Roof With Shingles or Tin
Once secured, cover your newly attached roof with either shingles or a piece of tin for extra protection from the rain.
Step VII: Install the Birdhouse Outdoors
Choose a Spot To Hang the Birdhouse
Now that assembly is complete, it’s time to find a place outdoors where birds can feed and take shelter comfortably. When choosing your spot, consider factors such as height. This is especially important if there are any predators lurking nearby that could harm visiting birds while they eat or rest inside.
Attach Birdhouse to Post or Other Structure
After selecting an ideal spot for hanging up your finished masterpiece, securely attach it either directly onto an outdoor post (or other structure with secure mounting material) to ensure that it doesn’t move around during windy days outdoors.
Consider the Specific Hanging Height
When attaching your newly built creation outdoors make sure its height is appropriate to attract the birds you expect to visit. Some species may require higher levels while others may prefer lower levels depending on their nesting habits, so be sure to consider this factor when attaching it securely outdoors.
Step VIII: Add Some Finishing Touches
Add a Perch for Birds To Land On
For easier access into their snug new home, you can add a sturdy perch near the entrance to provide visiting birds with a safe place to land and observe their surroundings before entering.
Apply More Waterproof Sealant
Protecting against moisture buildup caused by weather conditions outdoors isn’t always easy. That’s why it may be a good idea to apply one more layer of waterproof sealant over the exterior surfaces. This can help ensure that the birdhouse will be able to stand up to inclement weather.
Building a birdhouse is a great way to bring your family together, learn something new and create a beautiful home for our feathered friends. With these easy step-by-step instructions, anyone can build their very own birdhouse in eight simple steps. Once completed, you and your loved ones can proudly admire the birdhouse you created together as you wait for the birds to come to visit.