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Quick Tips Vol. 36

By: Erich Lage & Logan Wittmer
A Trio of Tips You'll Find Handy.

Sticky Screws.

01 25 1 When John Doyle of Des Moines, IA needs to reach a screw into a tight spot, like when installing a lazy Susan bearing, he found that a small dab of glue stick helps hold the screw to the driver tip. 01 25 3

Sizing Dowels.

01 25 4 Harold Kimple of Solon, IA uses a quick trick to find the appropriate drill bit to match a dowel. He removes the cap from a Forstner bit and checks it over the end of the dowel. When it fits, he knows that’s the right drill bit to use for that dowel.

Profile Sander.

01 25 6 Becky Kralicek of Bloomington, MN found that wrapping sand paper around a drill bit was the perfect way to sand tight radii. Because her drill bits cover a variety of different sizes, she can always find one to match her cove.

Published: Jan. 25, 2024
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