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Shop Storage & Organization

Maximize your shop storage and become more organized with these innovative storage tips.

Glue Gun Tote

Glue Gun Tote

Far from a simple craft tool, a hot melt glue gun is surprisingly welcome addition in a workshop. The little … Read More

Saw Blade Caddy

Saw Blade Caddy

An easy way to protect the investment that you've made in quality table saw blades. Read More

Small Parts Organizer

Small Parts Organizer

Here's an easy way to keep track of hardware and hand tools for the job you're working on. Read More

Pipe Clamp Rack

Pipe Clamp Rack

A custom clamp rack for a clamp with legs. A solid solution for storing some favorite clamps. Read More

Steel Rule Holder

Steel Rule Holder

A set of steel rulers forms the foundation of accurate layout and measuring. Unfortunately, these small rulers are easily lost … Read More

Choosing And Using A Dust Collector

Choosing And Using A Dust Collector

There's lots of options when considering dust collection in your shop. We'll help you sort through them and choose the … Read More

Cutoff Storage Bin

Cutoff Storage Bin

An efficient way to store the cutoffs from previous projects. Its mobility makes it all the more valuable. Read More

Corral Your Sawhorses

Corral Your Sawhorses features this clever plywood sawhorse plan that folds completely flat. This matching rack keeps them stored neatly and ready … Read More

Small Parts Storage

Small Parts Storage

I often need storage containers to hold small parts and hardware in my shop. I decided to make my own … Read More

Overhead Storage Rack

Overhead Storage Rack

I don’t like to throw away leftover trim, pipes, and long cutoff pieces from projects I’ve built. But storing these … Read More

Upgrade Your Shop Vac With A Cyclone Separator

Upgrade Your Shop Vac With A Cyclone Separator

A low-cost cyclone separator kit and this simple cart can turn a shop vacuum into a top-notch dust collector that … Read More

Bench Tray

Bench Tray

There seems to be some unwritten law that says the critical moment that need your pencil or ruler is the … Read More

Don't Lose Your Drivers

Don't Lose Your Drivers

Chris Fitch shares a quick and easy way to keep drivers stored with corresponding screws. Read More

Small Parts Holder

Small Parts Holder

There's no one-size-fits-all storage solution for the odds and ends hardware that people collect. This version uses toy wood wheels, … Read More

Drill Bit Trays

Drill Bit Trays

Keeping track of drill bits in the shop can be like herding cats. This is a simple way to keep … Read More