What Does It Take To Cut a Veneer Edge Band?

Whether you are looking for a new piece of furniture or just want to spruce up an old one, choosing the right type of wood is key. Wood is a natural material that has been used for centuries to create beautiful pieces of art. There are several types of wood out there, each with its own unique characteristics. But do you know what can take your everyday plywood projects to the next level? Edge banding!
What Is Edge Banding?
Edge banding is a decorative finishing technique where a thin strip of wood (edge band) is applied along the edges of the board. The effect is similar to edging, without having to cut or sand down the entire piece of wood. Edge banding is usually done after the final assembly of a project or part, but can also be applied before the final assembly.
You don’t want to look at these bands just as a finishing treatment — they serve a functional purpose too. They keep dust and debris out of cracks and crevices and also add a layer of protection against moisture. On top of that, they provide a durable surface that won’t chip or peel off as easily. If you want to create a clean and refined appearance, consider using a veneer edge band.
What Do You Need?
When you start planning an edge banding project, you need to gather your supplies first. This will help you stay organized and get a neat job done. You would require a veneer edge band (available at any hardwood store or online) along with your wood piece, a set of flat pliers, a banding trimmer, an iron and a sanding block.
How to Apply a Veneer Edge Band?
First off, you need to know how long your veneer band should be to cover the sides of the wood. After you have the rough estimate, cut a quarter of an inch more of the banding with the help of the pliers. Place the veneer edge band on top of the piece of wood and get your iron heated. Once that’s done, gently start applying equal pressure with the iron on all parts of the banding. To begin, use a 90-degree flat iron technique before titling it to a 45-degree angle to get the edges well adhered and then let it cool.
How To Cut off the Excess?
Now it’s time to cut off the sides or excess banding. For this, you can either use a simple trimmer or a trimmer made for banding. Just place the trimmer on the side of the wood, and start trimming gently. After you have removed one side, you can use pliers to simply cut the excess from the other. Finish it off with a sand block to avoid any sharp edges and you are all set.
Veneers are typically thin sheets of hardwood that are glued onto the surface of the wood product, making them look like they were actually part of the original piece. There are different types of veneers used in the industry depending on what type of look is wanted. Finding one you like, then gathering your supplies and applying isn’t hard at all. Just follow the steps above for a neat-looking trim as well.